An osteopath is trained in osteopathy - a form of manual therapy that focuses on overall body health and wellbeing by treating imbalances and weaknesses of the musculoskeletal framework. Osteopaths work with not only the spine, but all areas of the body. Osteopathic treatment is directed to muscles, joints and connective tissue which reduces pain, improves postural balance, and aims to enhance the healing capacity of the body by promoting optimal blood flow, healthy nervous system tone, and lymphatic drainage.
What Are Osteopaths?
Osteopaths are sometimes known as the ‘mechanics’ of the body because they work in a very physical -- and almost mechanical way -- by using their hands to identify and treat different types of dysfunction in the body.
Osteopathic treatment techniques may include stretching, soft-tissue massage, joint mobilisation, occasionally joint manipulation, and very subtle (cranial or biodynamic) techniques. Treatment plan and application of treatment is developed specifically for each person and presenting complaint. Osteopaths in Australia complete a minimum of 5 years' university training and studies in anatomy, pathology, physiology, general medical diagnosis, and osteopathic techniques. They are registered with the government as osteopathic practitioners.
Osteopathy South Yarra Health Connection
How We Can Help
Do you have neck or back pain? Headaches? Concerns about your or your child’s posture? A sports injury? TMJ or Jaw pain? Joint and muscle pain? Pregnancy related concerns? These are issues we commonly treat, plus many more musculoskeletal concerns. Please see below for more details on the special interests of our practitioners.
Your Next Step
If you want to finally get rid of that niggling pain for good, feel better, and get back to living a full and healthy life, simply call us on 0413 297 801 or book online.
What to Bring?
Your private health insurance membership card (if applicable). BHCH has HICAPS facilities, which allows you to claim on the spot.
Any past X-Rays, MRI’s or CT scans that you feel are relevant to your presentation.
You will not need a referral from a GP to visit an osteopath, but if you are eligible for the medicare EPC plan, or covered by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, please bring the referral form with you.
Please wear comfortable clothing, and depending on the area treated, you might need to disrobe for the treatment, just leaving your underwear on. You will be well covered, and a gown can be provided if necessary.
Dr Heather Warwick
Heather's Education:
Barrall New Manual Articular Approach – Spine & Pelvis (MASP)
Sutherland Cranial Trauma – advanced cranial course
Daryl Herbert - Minimal Lever advanced manipulation course
Winter school – AT Still original technique , total body adjustment.
Caroline Stone – Pregnancy and Obstetrics
Sinus and TMJ workshops
About Heather:
Heather Warwick graduated from Leeds Metropolitan University (England) with a Masters of Osteopathy. Since completing her studies and moving to Australia, Heather has been practising Osteopathy across Melbourne for the past four years. Prior to becoming an Osteopath, Heather was a sought-after remedial massage therapist in the UK. Her clients love her style as it is the perfect balance of manipulation with a combination of deep-tissue massage, individualised for your body.
She's not one to boast, but she has an impressive education, having attended exclusive schools such as the Barral course, focussing on visceral manipulation (assisting with digestion), the spine and pelvis. She has also attended the niche Sutherland cranial foundation courses (assisting with jaw pain, sinus problems, migraines).
Skilled in assisting people with postural changes during pregnancy, neuromuscular rehabilitation and advanced joint manipulation, Heather has a range of clients from athletes, people with traditional office work complaints and patients managing chronic pain.